Americanii chiar sunt prosti! (Rusia invadeaza SUA)

Cand spuneam ca Americanii sunt dobitoci ma temeam sa nu fiu considerat rasisit sau ignorant dar timpul m-a contrazis si din pacate pentru „the strongest nation in the world” chiar am avut dreptate. Cat poti fi doamne de idiot sa pui urmatoarea intrebare….

Deci da-o dracu de treaba…. chiar asa?!

Cand cei de la Yahoo au dat drumul la serviciul Yahoo Answers nu cred ca se gandeau ca vor avea parte de asemenea intrebari publicate. Sau… poate chiar pote asta se bazau 🙂

Si acum cateva raspunsuri mai „interesante”

You need to get out now!! Russia has advanced technology where you can’t see them. All their artilery is invisible and silent. You will never see the attack coming! Get out now while you can!

You don’t hear bombs because the bombing campaign has stopped. They’ve taken Decatur and are currently surrounding College Park. Your best bet is to run as fast as you can, for the woods, never the street. Run and never look back.
If you have to hide, lock yourself in a Bojangles restaurant. The Russians don’t understand sweet tea and will not find you there. Good luck.

Yes you should be very afraid. They are using smart bombs which don’t make a sound and the bullets have been remade to be whisper quiet. Please take up arms and fight back. We can’t afford for Russia to take over the U.S.

You are not being bombed so you can safely go back to banging your sister.

Vizitati link-ul asta pentru a vedea cu ochii vostri :))

Inspirat de buny blog

3 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by ova on august 15, 2008 at 10:17 am

    ce loser =))) auzi la el….n`ai cu cine domne da chiar n`ai cu cine :))) buna buna asta:>


  2. Posted by Alonso on august 15, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    Doamne fereste, deci incredibil! 🙂 adevarul e ca macar ne putem distra pe seama unora….sper sa nu`mi atrag mania Providentiala, dar chiar o cer unii :))


  3. daca iti zic ca doar 4% dintre romani pot numi tarile care au iesire la marea neagra ma crezi? din pacate este adevarat. Si nu mai putin de 75% nu stiu ca Rusia are iesire la Marea Neagra. Ne face asta prosti? Eu zic ca nu. dar ne face la fel de prosti ca americanii


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